Favourite Albums of 2019

Favourite Albums of 2019

In my opinion, 2019 was a great year for music. Many artists made returns, some carried on from previous projects and some journeyed into new sounds that took well to their fans. It has been very hard to whittle down all the music created this year to my top albums, but every single one mentioned have been great projects!

GREY Area – Little Simz


A female rapper with undeniable talent, Little Sims gave the streets one of my favourite rap albums of the year. From her penmanship to the sheer energy she gives in every track, she has reached levels your average rapper hasn’t. This album came as a breath of fresh air with Little Simz bringing back the meaning of music being an expression of art. She really is “a boss in a f****** dress”, no doubt about it!

Listen on Spotify and Apple Music


NRG 105 – Knucks


The project was great, and the concert in summer was even greater. This album has a well rounded feel to it, and I loved the skits between every couple of songs. There is not a single song that Knucks did not showcase why he’s up there with the best UK rappers, which is also evident from his features this year. Greater things are coming for Knucks in 2020 and I can’t wait to see what he has in store.

Listen on Spotify and Apple Music


WONDER – Jay Prince


When this album dropped at the start of the year, I rinsed it out until the wheels fell off. At only 7 songs in length, it was compact and digestible which made for easy listening. With a different type of sound and infectious beats, Jay Prince has been working to get his work established and it’s great to see it’s finally paying off.

Listen on Spotify and Apple Music


Spirits & Chaos – Jevon


No wonder of a lie, there is not a skippable song on this EP. Another digestible project at only 5 songs long, Jevon really didn’t have to give the streets a great piece of work. With a mix of singing and rapping, Jevon’s versatility is refreshing, with Spirits & Chaos having songs suitable to a different range of listeners. The project also has great replay value, which is something I always look for in music and Jevon has really hit the hammer on the head with this EP.

Listen on Spotify and Apple Music


Upon Reflection – Wretch 32


If you didn’t know already, I absolutely loved this album – loved it so much I did a separate review. I could not stop raving about this album, and I most definitely will continue into the new year. Another project with great replay value, Wretch’s wordplay is and will always be unmatched. It’s an album that really struck a cord with me, in terms of its ability to draw on a range of emotions in the space of 43 minutes – it really is a piece of art.

Listen on Spotify and Apple Music


Sorry You Were Saying (SYWS) – Sam Wise


SYWS is Sam Wise’s debut album and he really did do a great job on it. It was an album that showcases Sam Wise’s individual style, whilst still bringing his infectious energy fans are familiar with from listening to House of Pharaohs, of which Sam Wise is a part of. Each song is different from the next, giving the listener different displays of Sam’s musical ability in each track. As we hope to see more from work from Sam, we’ve got a great project to keep us occupied in the mean time.

Listen on Spotify and Apple Music


Ignorance Is Bliss – Skepta


Last but not least,  Skepta released an album that took me by surprise. Whilst it’s no Konnichwa, Skepta makes no effort to replicate it by taking a more mature route. In this album, he experiments with new sounds as well as sampling old school tunes, making it appeal to seasoned listeners of rap as well as the new school listeners. This project is an example of an artist that continues to push the boundaries of their artistry – something we hope to see more from Skepta.

Listen on Spotify and Apple Music